A continuación te mostramos varias frases donde faltan o sobran comas, ¿conseguirías colocarlas adecuadamente?
a. From some of the most remote parts of the country people came to the inauguration.
b. Many are called but few, are chosen.
c. What will you do with a rusted dilapidated car like that?
d. If you ever get to Boise Idaho give me a call.
e. Dan tried every trick in his bag but the ball wouldn't fall.
A continuación las soluciones.
a. From some of the most remote parts of the country, people came to the inauguration.
b. Many are called, but few are chosen.
c. What will you do with a rusted, dilapidated car like that?
d. If you ever get to Boise, Idaho, give me a call.
e. Dan tried every trick in his bag, but the ball wouldn't fall.